Jumat, 25 September 2009


actually i cant believe it, but it's real! read this.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey there
Stranger: hey
You: from?
Stranger: california
You: f or m
Stranger: f
You: age?
Stranger: 18
You: lol im 17
Stranger: cool. where are you from?
You: argentina
Stranger: cool.
You: where do u go to school?
Stranger: UCLA.
You: i know!
Stranger: how do you know that?
You: my cousin's school lol
Stranger: oh that's cool.
You: wht time is it there?
Stranger: 9:37pm
You: lol, why not u sleep?
Stranger: because it's still to early to sleep haha
You: lol
You: do u know hannah montana?
Stranger: haha yeah i actually do
You: do u know hannah montana?
Stranger: haha yeah i actually do
Stranger: yeah she's an awesome girl. we've been best friends for years
You: really?
You: r you sure?
Stranger: yeah im sure.
You: but i still dnt believe that
Stranger: why dont you believe me?
You: i dunno why
Stranger: i promise i know her. she's one of the sweetest people i know.
You: who r u?
Stranger: selena
You: i dont believe!
Stranger: what dont you believe?
You: coz selena is so busy and she doesn't has time to chatting with unimportant person LIKE ME!
Stranger: Aw hun your not unimportant! And my band and I are just chilling out
You: really?
Stranger: so we decided to come and chat on here for a break
You: prove it pls
Stranger: how do you want me to? you can ask me anything.
You: r u sure that u r selena gomez?
Stranger: haha yes im sure im selena gomez.
You: so please update your twitter right now!
Stranger: i just updated it
You: wait
You: 1 minute ago?
Stranger: yeah.
You: oh my godness u r selena gimez?
You: *gomez
Stranger: haha yes, i told you!
You: hey selena you must know it. actually im not 17, im from indonesia. i'm 13
You: sorry
Stranger: Oh that's okay! So how are you?
You: i'm fine! how about ypu?
You: *you
Stranger: I'm doing pretty well. Just tired, had a busy day.
You: oh really?
You: i love your new song!
Stranger: Thank you! That means a lot!
You: welcomeee:'))
You: i love ANOTHER CINDRELLA STORY! you are great!
Stranger: Aw thank you! You are too sweet. That movie was a lot of fun to film.
You: you are a great star EVER! i love your act!
Stranger: You are so nice! I love doing things for my fans!
You: oh really? you are so kind!
You: I wanna introduce myself. I'm Talitha Tiffany
Stranger: Aw thanks! It's so nice to meet you Talitha.
You: nice to meet you too Selena!
You: i dont believe i can chat w/ you.
You: still dont believe!
Stranger: well im glad im getting the chance to talk to you! i love talking to my fans.
You: oh that's so sweet ;)
You: what r u doing now?
Stranger: Just chilling out with my band, how about you?
You: chatting w/ you, facebook and twitter.
You: when you come to Indonesia?
Stranger: I'm not sure yet. Im meeting with my tour manager soon to set up some concert dates.
Stranger: But I'd love to come to Indonesia
You: oh really?
Stranger: Yeah, I'd love to travel around there!
You: oh thank you!
You: why not u change ur twitter picture?
Stranger: I like my twitter picture! I may change it soon.
You: but you are beautiful! i love your new hair!
Stranger: Aw thank you so much. I just dyed it back to it's original color.
You: it's cool!
Stranger: Thanks! I wanted to try and change things up.
You: i think you are tired.
You: maybe exhausted.
Stranger: Oh, I'm fine. Im just relaxing right now.
You: really?
Stranger: Yeah, I can talk for a little bit longer if you want to.
Stranger: Oh, no problem!
You: by the way, how about your daily activity?
Stranger: Went and did some promotion for my new cd and then went and hung out with some fans.
You: haha that's great!
Stranger: Yeah. Are you planning on getting my cd?
You: yes i am lol
You: i love your voice!
Stranger: Oh thank you! I feel like I've said thank you too much, but I really do appreciate it!
You: haha that's no problem!
You: do you love Michael Jackson?
Stranger: I really love Michael Jackson. He was an amazing artist.
You: yeah u r right.
You: I'll send you mention to your twitter, that's not a big problem right? lol
Stranger: What are you sending?
You: something, lol
Stranger: Ha, what is it so I can make sure to look out for it.
Stranger: I wanna know it's from you!
You: wait a minute
You: i'm typing
You: done!
Stranger: Okay what did you send and I'll look for it?
You: "hey Selena this is me Talitha, do you remember me? lol"
Stranger: Aw okay, I'll look for it. Sorry if i dont reply. I get a lot of messages
Stranger: But i appreciate you sending me something!
You: that's not a big problem lol
You: thank youuuuu :))
You: i love Princess Protection Program! you and Demi are great!
Stranger: That is such a good movie! Demi and I had an amazing time working together
You: lol
You: i wanna be a great star lije you but i think i cant -.-
You: *like
Stranger: Dont say that! Just stick to your dreams. Hard work really pays off
You: really?
Stranger: Yeah, I've been acting since I was little and it's what I love doing.
You: that's why your act is great, right?
Stranger: Acting is what I love. But just stick to what you love doing.
You: you are so sensible
You: Selena, my sister said: 'is that real Selena Gomez? I dont believe!'
Strangerr: Haha, well you can tell her it's me!
You: yeah i've done.
You: she wants to chat w/ you too lol
Stranger: Ha, I dont mind talking to her.
You: Hello Selena i'm talitha's sister!
Stranger: Hey, how are you?
You: i'm fine! how about youu?
Stranger: Im doing good.
You: your voice is great! i love your song "Falling Down"
Stranger: Oh thank you so much! I'm glad you like my music.
You: what r you doing right now?
Stranger: Hanging out with my band. What about you?
You: i am eating, so hungry hehe lol
Stranger: Haha, that's good.
You: sorry Selena my mom needs help so i have to help her lol and this is my sister, come back.
Stranger: Okay it was good meeting you!
You: yeah byeeeeeee!
You: hello Selena this is me Talitha, what do u think about my sister?
Stranger: she was really sweet!
You: really?
Stranger: Yeah she was very nice.
You: lol i dont think so. she sometimes makes me angry :(
You: but yeah just forget it lol
Stranger: Aw well try and be nice to your sister.
You: yeah lol
You: what's your fav. site?
Stranger: Um I love fashion sites, but I dont get to spend much time on the internet
You: i know that, coz you are so busy, right?
Stranger: Yeah I've been very busy lately.
You: What do you do if you meet paparazzi?
Stranger: I'm nice to them because I want them to be nice to me too so, but I have to continue with what I'm doing even when theyre around
You: in your opinion, do they annoying
Stranger: they can be, im still not used to them being around all the time
You: yeah i know that.
Stranger: Well sweetie it was really nice talking to you, but I need to go do a few things.
You: have you ever angry with the paparazzi?
Stranger: Thank you for all your support!
Stranger: and no i havent gotten angry with them before.
You: lol you're so nice
You: yeah you're welcome ;))
Stranger: Thanks again, bye!
You: byeeeee!

it's so amazing, till now i still cant believe it! but yeah, i'm trying to believe it! she was so nice, kind and great! i love her! http://twitter.com/selenagomez Selena's Twitter Page. and thanks to OMEGLE! i love you both :)

♥, talitha

Senin, 07 September 2009

NEW LOOK (again)

hey people welcome back, i just wanna tell to y'all that i made a new look on www.looklet.com

what do you think? good? bad? just click here if you like it! http://looklet.com/look/748566 but remember, you have to log in before. if you dont have an account, register first. don't worry, it's free!

ok guys see ya.

♥, talitha

Sabtu, 05 September 2009


i made 2 looks on looklet.com, the first:

simple-glamour style. if you like it, visit http://looklet.com/look/731352 and dont forget to heart it!

the second look:

casual style. if you like it, click http://looklet.com/look/731460 and heart it!

♥, talitha

Jumat, 04 September 2009

The Earthquake

hey people http://www.emocutez.com welcome back to my blog again, buat yang tinggal di jakarta dan sekitarnya pasti hari RABU tanggal 2 SEPTEMBER 2009 jam 14.55 pasti ngerasain gempa kaaaan? pastinya laaaah. gue mau nyeritain tentang hal gempa itu ke elo semua, maksudnya gue mau nyeritain keadaan pas gue lagi gempa itu.

sebelum gempa gue lagi enak-enak aja tuh main komputer, santai lah pokoknya. kerjaan gue cuma update twitter, baca-baca blog orang, download lagu-lagu enak ya gitu aja deh. tiba-tibaaaaa eh sumpah gue kaget beneran ya Allah, meja komputer sama kursinya tuh getar gitu. lah gue kaget banget, gue kira ada cicak berantem di belakang meja komputer. pas gue cek ga ada sama sekali. gue spontan teriak "MBAK ADA GEMPA YA MBAK? MBAAAAK!" haha bego abis gue teriak-teriak kayak gitu bukannya turun -.- sumpah pas disitu badan gua getar kayak begini nih http://www.emocutez.com wakakak beneran, gue semakin takut pas gempa DRUMSET ADEK GUE ADA YANG HAMPIR JATOH ckck, layar komputer gue juga takut banget deh gue mana gue lagi ada di lantai 2 ckck, pgue sempet kepikiran sih mau ngumpet dibawah mejaa tapi ada tai tikusnya ih jijik -_- eh tiba-tiba gempanya berhenti.

terus gue manggil embak gue lagi "MBAK MASIH DI BAWAH KAN?" mbak gue jawabnya iya-iya aja. pas gempanya berhenti gue matiin komputer sama nyelamatin drumset adek gue yg hampir jatoh itu -,- terus gempanya lanjut lagi! ohmygod pas disitu gue taakut bgt, eh tau-tau berhenti lagi. okedah gue langsung ngicir ke bawah haha (bego ya gue, aturannya kan pas gempa gue seharusnya turun ke bawah malah teriak-teriak ga jelas http://www.emocutez.com)

pas gue turun ke bawah, hal yg pertama gue lakukan adalah NGAMBIL HP! twitter lanjut lah, gue langsung update status tentang gempa, nyeremin abis. abis ngambil hp gue nyalain tv, buset dah langsung kayak ada kotak himbauan gitu warnanya kuning yg ngeberitain kalo gempa tadi kekuatannya 7,3 SR ohmygodness gue langsung nganga gitu, i cant belive kalo gempa tadi kekuatannya segede gitu http://www.emocutez.com pantes drumset adek gue ada yg hampir jatoh, pas disitu gue nyadar Allah tuh nyelamatin gue banget, coba bayangin 7,3 SR gue adaa di lantai atas dengan keadaan bego. how lucky i am gue ga kenapa-napa THANK YOU ALLAH makasih banget ya Allah makasih banget makasih http://www.emocutez.com

twitter langsung penuh tentang gempa, bahkan langsung jadi trending topic loh! beneran ya gue ga nyangka. ga lama setelah itu ada gempa susulan tapi emang cepet banget & bahkan mungkin banyak orang yg gak ngerasain tapi gue ngerasain. ya Allah beneran aku takut banget tapi makasih udah nyelamatin diriku yang lemah ini http://www.emocutez.com

sebenernya ceritanya tuh lebih seru tapi segitu aja deh ya males ngetik gue hehe http://www.emocutez.com

♥, talitha